Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Celebrating The 'International Day For Older Persons' with FCOSS... Samabula Senior Citizens' Home:

Can you spot me?

...and at Veiqaravi Community Training Centre:

These men are playing 'vidi vidi'- literally 'flick flick'. This is a traditional Fijian game, combining tiddlywinks and snooker all into one! in the background, I'm helping one of the gentlemen to fill out his questionnaire.

1st October is the 'International Day Of Older Persons': the perfect time to review and encourage the implementation of MIPAA across the globe.

MIPAA (Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing), developed in 2002 at the United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid, is a global project that aims to improve the lives of older persons around the world. As representatives of Fiji, one of 160 nations involved, FCOSS conducted interviews with older persons across Fiji to find out their individual needs. These were then compiled into a report to be presented on a local (to Fiji's Minister of Social Welfare) and international scale (to the United Nations). The main goal of all this? To encourage policy-makers to develop policies for the elderly that truly address their needs- that truly listens to them.

FCOSS feel very passionately towards the implementation of MIPAA for elderly Fijians. One senior I talked to at Veiqaravi turned out to be a boxing champion; others taught me how to play a game called 'vidi vidi' (I misheard this at first and thought it was 'wiji wiji', causing much amusement to the FCOSS staff! Am curious about what 'wiji' means now...)

When listening to the senior citizens talk about their lives, it was clear that they still have a lot to offer to society- but are not offered what they need in return. Ageing populations around the world have become a reality, and they need to be dealt with accordingly. Older persons want the opportunity to live life in the fullest way they can. It's going to take more than just 'listening' to senior citizens to produce a policy that will be beneficial; the elderly need to be truly heard.

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