Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Photos of Full Moon Madness Now Up!

By now you've probably figured out my favourite rainy-day activity...uploading pics!! So there are some more pics of the crazy Full Moon Party in the 'Dancing Until Dawn' blog entry.

Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote...have been having too much fun with Colleen and Bob: learning (and losing) the addictive card game Euker, learning to cook delicious Thai dishes, eating many, many Thai dishes, drinking many, many Singhas, Changs and glasses of vino rosso...I would update you right now with all the details, but it's actually sunny right now and believe me, that's been rare this week! Off to the pool I go...stay tuned, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Check out our Full Moon party pics & our Full Moon Party Accommodation
